How to Feel Inspired on a Regular Basis

You know those days when you’re in flow, feeling alive and lit up by life? THAT is what I want to help you create more of in this blog post. 

Not every day has to feel like the best of them, but if you can feel more inspired on a regular basis, your energy lifts, you feel more excited about life, you get new ideas, and you feel like you have more to offer the world (and more to enjoy moment to moment).

Keep reading for four simple secrets for how to feel inspired on a regular basis.

How to Feel Inspired on the Regular

Constantly Learn New Things

Whether you’re more of a podcast person, YouTube watch, or book worm, one of the keys to feeling more inspired is learning constantly. 

When you absorb new information, you can make connections between concepts, think of things in a way you haven’t thought of before, and solve challenges with fresh perspective.

One of the reasons that I’m always able to come up with a new podcast topic week to week is that I’m usually taking in new information, which provides me with new aha moments that I get excited to share with you.

Consider how YOU can squeeze in more time for this. Can you listen to an audiobook during your commute? Read a few pages before bed? Watch a YouTube video while on a treadmill? Even 10 minutes per day seriously adds up and you’ll feel the difference compound over time. 

Create New Experiences

Another way to feel more inspired is to experience new things. If you can travel, do it. Being thrown out of your usual environment always leads to new experiences, excitement, and inspiration. 

But even if you can’t venture far, try new routes, coffee shops, restaurants, parks, or walks around town. I love to think of it as living like a tourist. You may have several attractions in your own town that you’ve never even ventured to. You will feel fresh energy when you experience them and see things for the first time.

You can even make lists of things that you want to try for each season. I used to make lists like this, where in summer I would name activities such as reading a book at the beach, going paddle-boarding, and sipping rose on a rooftop. These lists helped me savor each season to the fullest, always have something to do on an empty day, and get excited when each new season rolled around.

Pay Attention to What Energizes You

While we all have responsibilities and things we have to do, chances are there are activities that naturally energize you more than others. Whenever possible, do more of those, or weave them into your chores.

For example, if you love music, play an upbeat playlist while you fold laundry and dance around your living room. Listen to an inspiring podcast while you walk the dog. ‘

Watch for when your energy naturally rises and falls, and plan accordingly. For example, I am FAR less likely to feel inspired to write at the end of the evening. I’m more of a morning person, so I count on inspiration to be higher then, and I don’t try to force it at times when I know it’s just not my natural rhythm. So watch for when your energy is highest, and do creative projects then, when you can count on a natural boost of ideas. 

Surround Yourself With Visuals

One final, simple way to invite more inspiration into your daily life is to surround yourself with things that inspire you. You could put images that represent your goals on your phone background or desktop background. You could make a Pinterest board of visuals that inspire you and look at it every morning. You could frame photos around your desk of things that inspire you and remind you of your dreams.

By making inspiration automatic, you are more likely to feel fueled by your desires even when you’re not actively focusing on them.

Through the years, I’ve had to find ways to keep inspiration high in order to publish daily blog posts, weekly podcast episodes, and various other creative projects. The tips below are the practices that have become second nature and always make fresh ideas feel like just a podcast or page away. I hope they do the same for you!

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