How to Balance a Side Hustle with a Full-Time Job

If you’re working a full-time career AND dreaming of making a creative project, side hustle, or even full-fledged business… this is for you! This season can be so tough to navigate because so many demands are pulling at your time and energy. But it IS possible and it IS worthwhile—I’ve done it, and I’m sharing my best tips and tricks for this season.

P.S. Prefer to listen? Check out Episode 60 of the Bright Life Podcast: How to Balance a Side Hustle With a Full-Time Job.

Tips to Balance a Side Hustle with a Full-Time Job

Carve Out Dedicated Time for Your Side Hustle

The first step towards building your dream project is to dedicate time to it consistently. While trying to work on it every day might be overwhelming, setting aside just one night a week, or even a few hours, can work wonders. By compartmentalizing this time, you can focus on your creative venture without it bleeding into other areas of your life, allowing you to be fully present in each domain.

For example, for years I used to manage a blog on my evenings and weekends. I would carve out Monday nights as my blog-writing nights, declining other invitations so I could batch blog posts for the rest of the week. Protecting this time allowed me to be laser-focused and get a lot of work done, even in a few hours.

Choose a window of time when you can focus on your side hustle, even if once per week. Over months and years, those hours add up to a meaningful business.

Become a Master Multitasker

I know, I know—everyone is against multi-tasking these days. However, there are seasons in which it’s essential, and balancing a side hustle with a full-time job is one of them.

Become a master multitasker by utilizing the time you spend commuting, exercising, or even during lunch breaks to absorb knowledge, listen to podcasts, watch informative videos, or draft ideas for your side hustle. By being strategic about how you use your time, you can make significant progress, even in short bursts throughout the day.

Find Value in Your Current Job

While balancing two worlds is demanding, find ways to leverage your full-time job to your advantage. Treat every opportunity as a learning experience for your future venture. Absorb as much knowledge and skill as you can from your current position, whether it’s related to marketing, sales, or management. Volunteer for conferences, certifications, or online courses. These skills will be invaluable when you transition to your own business, giving you a head start in achieving your entrepreneurial dreams.

Set Mini Goals

Breaking down your long-term dream into smaller, achievable goals can help you track your progress and stay motivated. Celebrate each milestone you reach, whether it’s gaining a certain number of clients, generating a specific income, or achieving a set target. These mini celebrations will keep you motivated and remind you of the progress you are making on your entrepreneurial journey—even with a day job.

Building a side hustle while maintaining a full-time job requires dedication, discipline, and a commitment to your dreams. The challenges may seem daunting, but it’s good practice for being a full-time business owner. Remember that every step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to turning your passion into a profitable business.

More to Support You in Your Brightest Life & Biz

Discover Your Passion: This free workbook will help you uncover your passion and purpose—whether you’re looking for more joy or fulfillment, to reignite your spark, or to turn your passion into a business. Get instant access >

Find Your Brilliant Business Idea: If you’ve ever wanted to start a business but had no idea where to begin, this free workbook will help you turn your experience and interests into a profitable business idea. Get started here >

Read My Book, Your Bright Life: Feel encouraged, supported, and inspired as you get clear on what you want, overcome self-doubt, and bring your dreams to life. Get your copy >
