[New] Hear About My 1:1 Coaching Program – Your Bright Life

New! ✨ Ever since writing my book, Your Bright Life, I’ve dreamt of being able to work with a few of you 1:1 to help bring your dream to life, overcome the fears swirling inside, end overwhelm with clear action steps, and give you a mentor, encouragement, and accountability as you embark on your next big, beautiful, life-changing chapter.

Whether your dream is to start a business, figure out what business you could even begin, discover your passion, write a book, launch a podcast, move to another city or country, travel the world, start a YouTube channel, or bring any other dream to life, I’ve been through all of the above as well, and I would be honored to guide and uplift you through the process. The hopes, fears, joys, and practical steps.

Learn more below or listen to this week’s Bright Life Podcast episode to hear all about my brand-new coaching program and claim one of the few spots to support you in bringing your biggest, brightest vision to life—together. 🥰

Prefer to listen? Check out Episode 162 of the Bright Life Podcast: [NEW] Hear About My Brand-New 1:1 Coaching Program

Your Bright Life 10-Week 1:1 Coaching Program

Here’s what’s included…

Session 1: Dreaming Big

As Oprah says, “The poeple that get to where they want to go know where they want to go. Most people don’t know where they want to go.” In the first session of the program, we explore what your biggest, most beautiful vision for your life looks like. What do you want most? Maybe it’s launching a business, starting a podcast, writing a book, or moving to a new place. No matter what it is, the key to making it a reality is first allowing yourself to dream without limits.

The magic of this stage is in identifying what truly excites you—perhaps things you’ve never dared to say out loud. Once you create that crystal-clear vision, it acts like a compass, helping you navigate your decisions and opportunities. You’ll be amazed how life begins to shift when you’re fully aligned with what you desire most.

Session 2: Deciding What to Focus On

Once you have a big vision, the next step is deciding where to focus your energy first. While having multiple dreams is normal, pursuing all of them at once can spread you too thin. It’s better to pick one dream that excites you most right now and pour your energy into it.

By focusing on one dream, you build momentum faster, which often leads to achieving other dreams as well. Often, it’s easier said than done to know which dream to focus on first—how do you know what to choose when you’re conflicted or overwhelmed? This session helps you prioritize what’s most important to you and ensure that your energy is channeled into making real progress on what matters.

Session 3: Embodying Your Next-Level Self

Every dream requires you to step into a higher version of yourself—the version who has already achieved the things you desire. In this stage, we work on identifying who you need to become to live your dream. What are her habits, her mindset, her routines? How does she carry herself, and how does she handle challenges?

By practicing these traits, you begin to embody the person who is ready for that next level of success. You’ll feel more confident and capable, making it easier to welcome the opportunities and success that come your way. This

Session 4: Taking Action

Dreams only come true when you take action. But sometimes, the process can feel overwhelming. In this stage, we break down your dream into clear, manageable steps that make the journey feel doable. (I actually really love this part of things so I’m happy to share a tangible roadmap with you!)

Whether it’s launching a business, writing a book, or pursuing a personal goal, we’ll map out a plan that gives you confidence in your next steps. Once you start moving, momentum builds, and you’ll begin to see progress, one step at a time.

Session 5: Shifting Beliefs

Your beliefs shape your reality. If you believe that you’re capable, deserving, and worthy of success, you’ll take actions that lead you there, and your entire life will reflect those beliefs and actions. But limiting beliefs can hold you back.

This stage is all about identifying the beliefs that may be limiting you and replacing them with empowering ones. When you believe in yourself and your potential, the actions you take—and the results you achieve—shift dramatically.

Session 6: Reframing Fear

Fear is a natural part of the process when pursuing any dream. Instead of letting it stop you, we’ll work on reframing fear so that it no longer holds you back. You’ll learn to act in spite of fear and to see it as a sign that you’re on the right path. We’ll work through the fears you have and develop strategies for moving forward with confidence, even when fear tries to sneak in.

Session 7: Letting Go of Control

Bringing a dream to life involves both effort and trust. You can take all the necessary steps, but at some point, you have to release control and let things unfold. In this stage, we’ll focus on detaching from the outcome and allowing synchronicities to work their magic.

Trusting the process and letting go of the need to control every detail often leads to unexpected opportunities and success. If you’ve ever had a hard time detaching from pushing, forcing, or grasping energy, in this session we’ll focus on how to surrender (and why it often leads to your dream in ways better than you could’ve orchestrated yourself).

Session 8: Receiving Your Dream

Once your dream begins to come to fruition, it’s important to be ready to receive it. This stage is all about feeling worthy of the success, abundance, and joy that come your way. Sometimes, we unconsciously sabotage our dreams because we don’t feel deserving.

We’ll work on cultivating a sense of worthiness so that you can fully receive and enjoy the success you’ve been working toward.

Step 9: Shining and Owning Your Voice

As you grow and step into new levels of success, there will be moments where you need to own your voice and take up space. In this stage, we focus on how to shine confidently, even when those around you may not be used to seeing you in this new light.

You’ll learn to embrace your power and to feel comfortable showing up as your fullest self, no matter who’s watching.

Step 10: Pivoting When It’s Time

Finally, there will come a time in every journey when you need to pivot. Whether it’s a change in direction, a new dream, or an evolution of your current path, knowing when and how to pivot is key to continued growth.

In this stage, we focus on how to give yourself permission to evolve and change when the time feels right. It’s okay to want more or to shift your path as you grow—this is part of the natural process of living your brightest life.

Each of these sessions is designed to guide you through the creative process of bringing your dreams to life. Whether you’re working on a business, a personal goal, or a new chapter in your life, this approach can help you navigate with clarity, confidence, and a sense of purpose.

If you’re ready to take the next step and dive deeper into your own evolution, there’s so much waiting for you. Now is the time to dream big, decide what you want, and take action toward creating the life that lights you up. Learn more about coaching and/or apply here.

Ready for Your Biggest, Brightest Life?

Read my book: Your Bright Life: Get Clear on What You Want, Overcome Self-Doubt, and Bring Your Dreams to Life.

Learn from self-paced masterclasses: My self-paced workshops featuring videos, workbooks, journal worksheets, and practices guide you through each stage of bringing your dreams to life.

Start your own business: If your dream involves starting a business or becoming your own boss, my business course teaches you step-by-step how to start a copywriting business, based on my experience traveling the world as a writer, running a copywriting agency, and writing for HuffPost.

Coach with me 1:1: 12 weeks of private coaching to design your brightest life or business, overcome the fears holding you back, and get a step-by-step plan to bring your dreams to life—together!

Sign up for a free training: 5 steps to build a 6-figure copywriting business (even if you’ve never written professionally before)! I’ll break down what I learned in 15 years in the industry, a journalism degree, and being inside global brands mentoring writers AND on the outside as a writer getting clients and building a business… so YOU can create more freedom and fulfillment as your own boss, too!

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