Top 3 Lessons Learned at 36 [Birthday Episode]

Welcome to this special birthday episode of the Bright Life Podcast! Today, I’m reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned over the past year as I turn 37. This year has been a whirlwind, full of highs and unexpected twists—from publishing my first book to purchasing a home in Europe to spending my birthday in quarantine on a ship in the middle of the sea! 😅 But these experiences have also given me time to reflect, and I want to share some insights that I hope will inspire and encourage you, no matter where you are in your journey.

1. Dream Big and Let Life Surprise You

One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned this year is to put your wildest ideas and dreams out there. Even if it’s just saying them outloud to yourself or writing them down, don’t be afraid to claim what you TRULY want. It’s hard to create the life you desire if you don’t know what it looks like. Not only does that clarify what YOU can do to achieve it, but I’ve found that life has a funny way of introducing hidden synchronicities, chance conversations, and opportunities you would’ve have noticed without getting clear.

For instance, my husband and I have always loved traveling, but the constant shuttling between destinations can be exhausting. One day, we casually wondered if there was a way to see more of our bucket-list places without all the long flights and packing and unpacking. Not long after, the idea of a world cruise popped into our minds. We’d never even considered a cruise before, but suddenly it made perfect sense—unpack once, and see the world while maintaining our routine. It was a dream we didn’t even know we had until we put it out there. (Of course, life often has its own funny twists—that’s where the quarantine later came in, haha.)

So, what’s that dream for you? Name it. Don’t worry about the how, and just be open to life delivering the solution. You might be surprised at what comes into your awareness once you’re clear about what you want.

2. The Steps Appear Once You Start Moving

Another big lesson from this past year is that the steps you need to take will become clear once you start moving. This really hit home for me when I self-published my first book. At the start, I had no idea how to get from a Google Doc to a finished book on Amazon. But once I committed to the project, the next steps began to reveal themselves, one by one.

It’s like walking down a path in a video game, where the road appears only as you move forward. First, I wrote the book. Then, I realized I needed an editor. After that, it became clear I needed to format the book and design the cover. Each step became obvious as I completed the one before it.

So, if you have a dream—whether it’s writing a book, starting a podcast, making art, or launching a business—don’t let the fear of not knowing the entire path hold you back. Just take that first step, and trust that the next one will become clear as you move forward.

3. No One Is Behind—Your Timeline Is Right for You

The last lesson I want to share is a big one: No one is behind. As we move through different stages of life, it’s easy to feel like we’re not where we ‘should’ be. But the truth is, there’s no such thing as being on time or on track in life.

In your 20s, it might seem like everyone is following the same path—graduating, getting jobs, getting married, having kids. But as you get older, you realize that everyone’s timeline is unique. By your 30s, some people who got married early are still together, others have divorced or remarried. Some have children and some haven’t for a variety of reasons. Some are in the same careers, while others are starting over to build their own businesses. I spent a decade in a career before realizing I wanted to start my own business in a completely different industry. And that’s ALL okay! It’s part of the magic of LIFE!

The only timeline that matters is your own. If you’re living a life that lights you up, then you’re on track. You can always reinvent yourself, try new things, and live as many different chapters as your life can hold. There’s no “behind” in this journey—there’s just your path, and it’s perfect for you.

What’s Your Lesson This Year?

Those are the three big lessons that stood out to me from my 36th year. What a wild ride this life is… every year, I learn more. Every year, I grow. Every year, I feel more grateful. And ever year, I’m grateful for the chance to wake up to one more day of this human experience.

Now, I’d love to hear from you—what lesson have you learned this past year? We’re coming up on the end of 2023, and it’s a great time to reflect. If you need some inspiration…

Listen to Episode 144 of the Bright Life Podcast: Top 3 Lessons Learned at 36 [Birthday Episode]

Ready for Your Biggest, Brightest Life?

Read my book: Your Bright Life: Get Clear on What You Want, Overcome Self-Doubt, and Bring Your Dreams to Life.

Learn from self-paced masterclasses: My self-paced workshops featuring videos, workbooks, journal worksheets, and practices guide you through each stage of bringing your dreams to life.

Start your own business: If your dream involves starting a business or becoming your own boss, my business course teaches you step-by-step how to start a copywriting business, based on my experience traveling the world as a writer, running a copywriting agency, and writing for HuffPost.

Coach with me 1:1: 12 weeks of private coaching to design your brightest life or business, overcome the fears holding you back, and get a step-by-step plan to bring your dreams to life—together!

Sign up for a free training: 5 steps to build a 6-figure copywriting business (even if you’ve never written professionally before)! I’ll break down what I learned in 15 years in the industry, a journalism degree, and being inside global brands mentoring writers AND on the outside as a writer getting clients and building a business… so YOU can create more freedom and fulfillment as your own boss, too!

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