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If you’re in the process of bringing a new project into the world—whether it’s a book, a podcast, a business, or any other creative endeavor—it’s common to feel frustration that what you are creating, at least in the beginning, doesn’t match the vision in your head. However, instead of meaning you are bad at your […]

How to Let Go of Perfectionism When Trying Something New

May 10, 2024

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When you’re on the brink of launching a new idea into the world—whether it’s starting a business, writing a book, or beginning a new chapter in your life—it’s natural for your mind to wander into the territory of worst-case scenarios. It’s something most entrepreneurs and creative people experience! While the fear can feel paralyzing, but […]

Shake Off the Fear of Worst-Case Scenario

May 3, 2024

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Today’s message is for anyone who feels like their dream is taking forever to come to fruition. Whether you’re building a business, creating a podcast, writing a book, or working toward a career milestone, it’s easy to get frustrated when progress seems slow. But here’s a new way to look at things: Does it really […]

Does It Really Matter if It Takes 5 Years to Achieve Your Dreams?

March 15, 2024

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Think fast—what’s one of the BEST feelings in life? For me, it’s those moments that pause time and make your eyes tear up with fullness and gratitude for your life. And, it’s often due to simple moments that don’t require life to be perfect or cost a thing… so why don’t we actively create more […]

Creating More Moments That Bring You to [Happy] Tears

Creating More Moments That Bring You to [Happy] Tears

January 26, 2024

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Whether you have a health, business, or relationship goal, imagine the version of you who ALREADY has that dream. What’s she like? What does she do, think about, let go of, and focus on? Chances are, she has some different habits, beliefs, and systems than you have today, which is what has helped her finally […]

Who Is the Version of You Who Already Has Your Dream?

Who Is the Version of You Who Already Has Your Dream?

January 5, 2024

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Listen for one life-changing trick to release the pressure to be ALL things to all people, do everything right, and grow your business/life/health goals, all while maintaining your skincare routine and a perfect mani/pedi. 😅 This one question changed the game for me, and as you head into 2024, I hope it helps you release […]

You Don't Have to Be & Do All Things Perfectly [One Question to Forever Release the Pressure]

You Don’t Have to Be & Do All Things Perfectly [One Question to Forever Release the Pressure]

December 28, 2023

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Today’s guest Jenny Jones is a business operations consultant who helps coaches, creative agencies, and online service providers organize their business, plan more strategically, and make data-driven decisions. In other words, she helps transform small business owners from scattered and overwhelmed to focused, profitable, and balanced. Listen to this episode to hear: ✨ Steps new business […]

Setting Up Your Business Like an Organization Pro

Setting Up Your Business Like an Organization Pro Feat. Jenny Jones

December 22, 2023

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If you find yourself in a life that feels good on paper but isn’t what ultimately lights you up, this episode is for you. Guest Jacy Lawler is host of the Have the Audacity Podcast and founder of the online personal development community the Audacious Collective. She is passionate about empowering women to step into […]

Having the Audacity to Go for What You Really Want

Having the Audacity to Go for What You Really Want Feat. Jacy Lawler

December 8, 2023

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Special needs mom and cervical cancer survivor Julia Erman joins the Bright Life Podcast to share how to find the light in dark seasons. Julia has faced unimaginable circumstances, and out of it, created a movement, an online business, and a children’s book series. But more than anything, she reminds us that life doesn’t have […]

Julia Erman on Finding Light in Dark Seasons

Julia Erman on Finding Light in Dark Seasons [Special Needs Mom and Cervical Cancer Survivor]

November 30, 2023

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We’ve all encountered that frustrating start/stop cycle, but if there’s an area where you feel stuck no matter how hard you try to force yourself into action, this episode is for you. Learn how to get to the root cause of why you’re doing (or not doing) certain things and what to change to finally […]

Actions Are Downstream of Mindset

Actions Are Downstream of Mindset

November 17, 2023