Not Knowing How (Before You Do Something) Doesn’t Disqualify You

“I would love to [insert your dream], but I don’t know HOW to do it…” If you’ve ever believed this thought, pop in your headphones to listen to this episode ASAP! The truth is, NO ONE knows how to do something until they do it, and this episode will help you feel unstoppable in figuring anything out.

Listen to Episode 140 of the Bright Life Podcast: Not Knowing How (Before You Do Something) Doesn’t Disqualify You

140. Not Knowing How (Before You Do Something) Doesn’t Disqualify You Bright Life Podcast

Ready for Your Biggest, Brightest Life?

Read my book: Your Bright Life: Get Clear on What You Want, Overcome Self-Doubt, and Bring Your Dreams to Life.

Learn from self-paced masterclasses: My self-paced workshops featuring videos, workbooks, journal worksheets, and practices guide you through each stage of bringing your dreams to life.

Start your own business: If your dream involves starting a business or becoming your own boss, my business course teaches you step-by-step how to start a copywriting business, based on my experience traveling the world as a writer, running a copywriting agency, and writing for HuffPost.

Coach with me 1:1: 12 weeks of private coaching to design your brightest life or business, overcome the fears holding you back, and get a step-by-step plan to bring your dreams to life—together!

Sign up for a free training: 5 steps to build a 6-figure copywriting business (even if you’ve never written professionally before)! I’ll break down what I learned in 15 years in the industry, a journalism degree, and being inside global brands mentoring writers AND on the outside as a writer getting clients and building a business… so YOU can create more freedom and fulfillment as your own boss, too!

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