Embracing Your Flaws: Making Your Way the Right Way

We all have things we feel like we should change about ourselves, from procrastinating to hitting snooze one too many times in the morning. BUT this episode packs a mega mindset reframe for embracing your flaws—how to make those things about you RIGHT.

With real-life examples of people who’ve made millions embracing their so-called imperfections, this episode shares how to LEAN INTO your natural preferences and style (instead of changing it or making it wrong) to be successful.

P.S. Prefer to listen? Check out Episode 54 of the Bright Life Podcast: Embracing Your Flaws: Making Your Way the Right Way.

Ways to Begin Embracing Your Flaws

Honor Your Natural Style

Instead of succumbing to the pressure of how everyone else does something, what if you grant yourself permission to flourish in your own natural style? We all possess quirks, preferences, and tendencies that contribute to who we are. These are not weaknesses to be fixed, but traits that can be harnessed to create a life that truly resonates with us.

For example, if you’re not a morning person, forcing yourself into an intense morning workout routine might not yield the best results. Instead, consider easing into your day with a morning walk or a relaxed workout at home. By aligning your routines with your natural tendencies, you can make your fitness journey enjoyable and sustainable—and this applies to any other area of life, too!

Make Your Flaws a Neutral or Better

In the realm of business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of emulating others’ success strategies. However, just as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness, there’s no universal formula for entrepreneurial success.

For example, I have a friend in a business mastermind who describes herself as lazy, but doesn’t mean this in a bad way. She doesn’t want to work 40 hours per week, or sometimes even 20 hours. She treasures reality television, ordering takeout, and being messy.

However, whereas many people would’ve tried to rework or gloss over that personality trait, she has a rule: make it neutral or better. For her, she has designed her entire business around this so-called flaw. She teaches burnt-out overachievers how to opt out of hustle culture and build a business from a place of pleasure, flow, and ease. 

It’s the opposite of what everyone else was doing when she began, but she was willing to show up as fully herself. To adopt the belief that people wanted to see a genuine human, flaws and all. And that belief gave her the confidence to show up on social media makeup-free and messy when most people wouldn’t, to show herself doing things she enjoyed that other people became obsessed with watching, and to be magnetic to people who craved more of that in her own life.

She built a multi-million dollar business because of it—while working part-time in her sweatpants and being as lazy as she wanted. Because to her, it was a neutral or better, if not her secret sauce.

So my challenge to you is this: is there anywhere that you’re should-ing yourself? Telling yourself you should be more of this, less of that, or [fill in your critique of choice]. How can you make your ‘should’ a neutral at worst—an advantage and opportunity at best? 

Reflect on the areas in your life where you’ve been forcing change rather than flowing with your natural inclinations. Instead of striving for transformation in ways that don’t resonate, honor the unique traits that define you. By embracing your flaws and making room for your natural style, you can redefine your journey and create a life and business designed around you. There is only one of you, and that’s a good thing. 💛

More to Support You in Your Brightest Life & Biz

Discover Your Passion: This free workbook will help you uncover your passion and purpose—whether you’re looking for more joy or fulfillment, to reignite your spark, or to turn your passion into a business. Get instant access >

Find Your Brilliant Business Idea: If you’ve ever wanted to start a business but had no idea where to begin, this free workbook will help you turn your experience and interests into a profitable business idea. Get started here >

Read My Book, Your Bright Life: Feel encouraged, supported, and inspired as you get clear on what you want, overcome self-doubt, and bring your dreams to life. Get your copy >

P.S. More on this topic: How to Love Yourself Fiercely: Favorite Self-Love Practices and Qualify Yourself (You Are Worthy Already).
