How to Create More Schedule Flexibility

If you’re working a 9 to 5 and your days are packed with Zoom calls, lunches at your desk, and meetings that could’ve been emails, and you just can’t take it anymore—you’re in luck! 💛

This blog post provides 3 simple steps to create more schedule flexibility through a side hustle or online business. They are the same steps I followed to go from hour-long commutes and corporate calendars to a multiple 6-figure business as my own boss, with the freedom to work any time of day. Today, I’m breaking them down for you!

P.S. New here? Free gift! How to Get Paid $100/Hour to Write for Businesses Online.

3 Steps to Create More Schedule Flexibility

Below are 3 simple steps to go from overwhelmed and exhausted to thriving with balance and health, when in control of your own schedule as your own boss.

 1. Choose a Profitable Skill You Can Do Online

First things first, you want a skill that you can do from anywhere. Thanks to the internet, there is no shortage of skills you can apply online to make money. 

One of my personal favorites is freelance writing, because there are millions of businesses who have more content to write than they can keep up with. Think of things like blog posts, social media, email newsletter, and websites.

No matter what your background has been up until now, you can transfer it to become a writer for that industry. You have more experience than the average writer in that industry, which will put you at the top of a brand’s list for wanting to work with you. With the right positioning (and with some training in content strategies like I teach in my freelance writing program) writers can earn up to $100/hour.

2. Determine How Much Money To Replace Your 9 to 5

Jot down your current annual income or whatever amount you would feel comfortable with. Then, divide that number by 52 (the number of weeks in a year). Then divide that number by $100 (the rate you could charge per hour as a freelance writer if you learn some additional strategies like SEO in my programs). The number you’re left with is how many hours per week you would need to replace your current income through a skill like freelance writing. 

Play around with the numbers until you get the specifics you’re comfortable with. For example, you might find that you actually need to work less hours than a standard 40-hour workweek in order to hit your annual income goal. Or, you may want to stick to your usual workweek to bring in even more income. Regardless, once you’re ready…

3. Map a Monthly Target to Achieve Your Goal

Let’s say that your goal is to work a full 40-hour workweek. Great; now your mission is to create an actionable monthly target so you can, month by month, achieve your goal of creating schedule freedom and flexibility.

With a skill like freelance writing, for example, you could aim for one client each month that has 10 hours of work per week for you. Ten hours of work could look like one blog post and a corresponding batch of a few social media posts and an email promoting the blog post.

Imagine all the THOUSANDS of businesses in your industry. Do you think you could find ONE in the next month who would love a writer to work with? I know you could. 😊

Then the next month, focus on adding one more client, then another. After four short months, you’ve replaced your full 40-hour workweek as your own boss. With the freedom to work any time of day, when your energy is highest, and when you do your best work.

Create Schedule Flexibility via Freelance Writing

To this day, I remember how wild it felt to me the first few months as my own boss, in charge of my own schedule. I felt so scandalous taking a morning workout class, meeting a friend for lunch, or ending the day at 3PM, even if I had finished all of my work for the day.

Your perfect schedule may not involve a workout class or a midday lunch. It may be the freedom to be home when your babies wake up from their nap, to take Fridays off, or to work mornings before the rest of your household is up. It may simply be the feeling of having more time in your day—running less frenzied between commutes, work, errands, family, friendships, manicures, pedicures, and meetings. It may be the spaciousness from designing a work schedule that works with the rest of your life—not against it.

If you’re looking to learn more about applying these three steps, check out:

Ready for Your Biggest, Brightest Life?

Read my book: Your Bright Life: Get Clear on What You Want, Overcome Self-Doubt, and Bring Your Dreams to Life.

Learn from self-paced masterclasses: My self-paced workshops featuring videos, workbooks, journal worksheets, and practices guide you through each stage of bringing your dreams to life.

Start your own business: If your dream involves starting a business or becoming your own boss, my business course teaches you step-by-step how to start a copywriting business, based on my experience traveling the world as a writer, running a copywriting agency, and writing for HuffPost.

Coach with me 1:1: 12 weeks of private coaching to design your brightest life or business, overcome the fears holding you back, and get a step-by-step plan to bring your dreams to life—together!

Sign up for a free training: 5 steps to build a 6-figure copywriting business (even if you’ve never written professionally before)! I’ll break down what I learned in 15 years in the industry, a journalism degree, and being inside global brands mentoring writers AND on the outside as a writer getting clients and building a business… so YOU can create more freedom and fulfillment as your own boss, too!
