Reconnecting to Your Why

Whether you’re building a business, pursuing a health goal, or working on personal growth, there comes a time when you might lose sight of your why—the reason you started in the first place. In those moments, reconnecting to your purpose can help reignite the fire within you.

But HOW do you do so? And how do you really FEEL reconnected when you’re in a tough season with no finish line in sight? In this article, I’ll share some practical strategies that have helped me, to help YOU rediscover your why, stay inspired, and maintain consistency even in the face of challenges. 💛

P.S. Prefer to Listen? Check out Episode 70 of the Bright Life Podcast: Reconnecting to Your Why.

Listen to learn…

✨ Simple practices to feel into your why and the reasons you began in the first place

✨ How to fall in love again with your product, service, and humans

✨ Practical ways you can keep your why front and center in daily life

✨ Ways to make it through the messy middle and feel as connected as you did at the start

Simple Practices to Reconnect to Your Why

Make an Impact List

When you find yourself struggling to remember why you’re on this journey, take a moment to reflect on the positive difference you’re making—either in your own life or those of others. Create a list of all the ways your efforts positively influence others or yourself.

Whether it’s starting a business that inspires and coaches people, pursuing a creative side hustle, or embarking on a health journey, recognize the transformation you bring into other lives and your own. Remember the joy, beauty, peace, and freedom you are offering to others and yourself. Acknowledge the ripple effect of your actions and the difference you’re making, no matter how big or small it may seem.

Journal About Your Transformation

Go back in time and immerse yourself in the feelings and experiences BEFORE your transformation began. Whether it’s related to health, relationships, corporate work, or any other aspect of life, recall the challenges, worries, and emotions you faced.

Then, contrast those moments with where you are NOW. Embrace the progress you’ve made and recognize the growth you’ve experienced. Journaling about your transformation will reignite your appreciation for the journey you’re on and the positive changes you have already brought into your life.

Focus on the Best Parts

In the midst of your journey, it’s easy to get bogged down by the daily routine and forget the highlights of your progress. Take time to identify and cherish the BEST parts of your endeavor. Whether it’s finding joy in your relationships, experiencing the thrill of achieving fitness milestones, or savoring the little victories in your business, these highlights fuel your passion and remind you why you started in the first place. Embrace these positive emotions and let them drive you forward to the next milestone.

Save Kind Words or Testimonials

Whenever someone expresses their appreciation or shares their transformation because of your efforts, save those testimonials in a folder on your computer or inbox. On days when doubt creeps in, revisit these expressions of gratitude to remember the difference you’re making. Allow that gratitude to fill your heart and renew your commitment. Imagine the many more lives you will change going forward.

Reconnecting to your why is an ongoing process that requires mindful effort and self-compassion. No matter your dream, remember that it’s normal to have moments of doubt or weariness. With the practices above, you can reconnect to your purpose, stay inspired, and make the purpose you’re here to make.

Ready for Your Biggest, Brightest Life?

Read my book: Your Bright Life: Get Clear on What You Want, Overcome Self-Doubt, and Bring Your Dreams to Life.

Learn from self-paced masterclasses: My self-paced workshops featuring videos, workbooks, journal worksheets, and practices guide you through each stage of bringing your dreams to life.

Start your own business: If your dream involves starting a business or becoming your own boss, my business course teaches you step-by-step how to start a copywriting business, based on my experience traveling the world as a writer, running a copywriting agency, and writing for HuffPost.

Coach with me 1:1: 12 weeks of private coaching to design your brightest life or business, overcome the fears holding you back, and get a step-by-step plan to bring your dreams to life—together!

Sign up for a free training: 5 steps to build a 6-figure copywriting business (even if you’ve never written professionally before)! I’ll break down what I learned in 15 years in the industry, a journalism degree, and being inside global brands mentoring writers AND on the outside as a writer getting clients and building a business… so YOU can create more freedom and fulfillment as your own boss, too!

P.S. Want more on this topic? Check out 3 Unconventional Gratitude Practices That Will Change Your Life, How to Turn Your Passion to Profits, and Self-Care Practices for When the World Feels Like a Lot.
